Prepare your model

Prepare your Model

Before you can start using the Laravel Followable package, you need to prepare your model to enable the follow and unfollow functionality.

This section will guide you through the steps required to set up your model for following and unfollowing.

1. Add the Follower Trait to your follower model

To make your model a follower, you need to add the Follower trait to it.

This trait provides the necessary methods to manage followers and followable models.

Here's an example of how you can add the Follower trait to your model:

namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Akira\Followable\Traits\Follower;
class User extends Model
    use Follower;
    // Your model's code here

2. Add the Followable Trait

To make your model followable, you need to add the Followable trait to it.

This trait provides the necessary methods to manage followers and followable models.

Here's an example of how you can add the Followable trait to your model:

namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Akira\Followable\Traits\Followable;
class User extends Model
    use Followable;
    // Your model's code here

The Follower trait will add the following methods to your model:

  • follow(Models $model): Follow the given model.
  • unfollow(Models $model): Unfollow the given model.
  • toggleFollow(Models $model): Toggle the follow status of the given model.
  • isFollowing(Models $model): Check if the model is following the given model.
  • hasRequestedToFollow(Models $model): Check if the model has requested to follow the given model.
  • followings(): Get the models that the model is following.
  • approvedFollowings(): Get the models that the model is following and have approved the follow request.
  • notApprovedFollowings(): Get the models that the model is following but have not approved the follow request.
  • attachFollowStatus($followables, ?callable $resolver=null, bool $returnFirst=false): Attach the follow status to the given followables.

The Followable trait will add the following methods to your model:

  • needsToApproveFollowRequest(): Check if the model needs to approve follow requests.
  • rejectFollowRequestFrom(Models $follower): Reject the follow request from the given model.
  • approveFollowRequestFrom(Models $follower): Approve the follow request from the given model.
  • isFollowedBy(Models $follower): Check if the model is followed by the given model.
  • orderByFollowersCount($query, string $direction = 'desc'): Order the models by the number of followers.
  • orderByFollowersCountDesc($query): Order the models by the number of followers in descending order.
  • orderByFollowersCountAsc($query): Order the models by the number of followers in ascending order.
  • followables(): Get the models that are following the model.
  • followers(): Get the models that are following the model and have been approved.
  • approvedFollowers(): Get the models that are following the model and have been approved.
  • notApprovedFollowers(): Get the models that are following the model but have not been approved.